In the following series of posts of we will impart the hard-won knowledge that we have actually gained as effective independent digital filmmakers. And (drumroll puh-leaze!) we will do this totally free!
Quick Tip: Use Casting of your talent as part of the story. Work with (or obtain) a small theatrical venue for a couple of hours. Invite the journalist along to see a few of the talent auditioning. Get some friends around so that the audition queue appears longer than it is, and take some stills of the busy audition room - permit them to interview a few of those auditioning who are likely to be on your short-list. Publicize (through an ad in the local paper/ facebook/ twitter/onefatcigar) the audition to get more people along. Right away your low budget plan film has budding actors demanding to be in it, and the journalist has another angle to their story.
This post is about film so we will disregard digital images from hereon in. With movie the exposed film should first be developed before it can be utilized to produce paper prints or scanned into a computer system. It is this phase that I will deal with in this article.
Of course you could just send your movie to your regional laboratory and let them do all the effort. however. there are a number of reasons why you should develop your own landscape photography films.
You can also "pull" your film. This is the specific documentary package opposite of pushing. film is exposed at a slower speed and after that developed as if it were slower. This process reduces contrast however produces much better mid range tones.
That is, if you could hold still for a number of minutes, you had a photo picture. Being hard to make and uncommon, these photographs were in high regard in those days. Today some of these are considered art photography and are collectors art.
Trainee movies also shouldn't been taken too gently. You can go far with a great film. Lots of trainees submit their work to film celebrations and enter it in contests. You can have your work evaluated in front of millions if you're selected to provide your movie or it wins a competitors. A student movie can really be the stepping stone you need to make your name known and acquire you important contacts in the market. Treat each project with tender love and care you'll make sure to make an excellent movie!